Thursday, April 24, 2008

Families, issues and butterflies

My sister Kristin with Bebo the kitty

Eric and Amy last month Me and my brother, Brad circa 1980

Family. Siblings. They enrich our lives more than we will ever know. I have just recently come home from dinner at my folks house and we had an interesting conversation about family matters. I can't speak for you and your family, but I know that my family has issues. I have issues. And the way that each of us processes those issues is as different as night and day. You see, we all face challenges and trials in our daily lives. That is totally the way life is and most of us accept that for ourselves. But when I see a loved one going through a difficult time, I want to step in and help. I want that person to know how bright, capable, and wonderful they are and how he/she is going to make a wonderful mark in this world. I want to fix the problem by giving money or time or advice. The bottom line is that I love them and I want them to be happy and healthy. So in comes Tara with her bucket of fix it water. After all, I am 32 and I have it all together, right?! (That is total sarcasm by the way) My mother, the most wonderful woman to walk the face of the earth, has learned a lesson or two about life and she says that sometimes the best thing is to trust in God, pray for our loved one with every breath we take, then step back out of the way and wait to see the beautiful butterfly emerge from the chrysalis of the present.

Pray and wait. Easier said than done.

The hardest thing to do is just to sit back and watch that loved one flail around treading water when help is just an arm's length away. But as my wise mom says, sometimes the best most motivating thing to give is not advice, but admiration. "You can do it. You are smart, capable and wonderful" Sometimes the best and most motivating thing to do is to listen instead of lecture. And all of the time the best thing to do is pray and trust God. He loves my family members more than I do. Heck, HE got me out of a pit of despair and I know HE loves him/her more that I do.
So, I will wait. I wait with certainty that out of the chrysalis of silence a beautiful butterfly will emerge and will take off to fly with strength and live the life that God has truly intended her to live.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring Fever

I haven't posted anything for quite sometime. For starters, it has been lovely here in Phoenix and we have been outside a lot enjoying the spring weather and so when we are inside, my time on the computer is limited. Springtime in Phoenix is glorious. It seems like all the citrus trees in the area converge on a specific blooming week, thus filling the atmosphere with its sweet intoxicating fragrance. When the scent of an orange blossom wafts into your nostrils, you are suddenly overcome with peace and tinglys all at the same time. It is a pleasantly beautiful aroma that seals my springtime experience.

Tonight I traveled a whopping 30 paces to my across-the-street neighbors's home to the annual spring block party. I just LOVE this street. It was like stepping back in time. You see, this neighborhood has been here since the mid fifties and some of the folks who live in the houses are the original owners. Take the block party hosts, Lyle and Arlene for example. They are now in their early 70's and have lived in thier house for over 40 years. Can you imagine living in the same home for that long? For young thirtysomething kids like me and my husband, that seems like a has been reality of yesteryear never to be a reality for us. We were the second folks to arrive at the party. The first people there had known Lyle and Arlene for 33 years because that is how long they have lived in their house which is six houses down from us. As the evening progressed, more folks from our street came down with their covered dishes to add. It was so comforting to see these folks connect with one another and actually exchange meaningful conversation as opposed to the obligatory hello wave that comes when we drive by. I learned that some of these neighbors have been coming to this annual spring block party for over 30 years.
I love that.
I could see us living here for years and when Lyle and Arlene aren't able to host the block party anymore we would then step up and continue the tradition. But alas, we are moving away in a few months.
Okay, I am getting depressed so I am not going to dwell on that. This springtime evening was precious and I will treasure it. I will also learn from this community. I am going to try my best to foster a friendly community wherever we end up. Maybe my first block party will be a flop, but heck if I keep it up for 30 years, who knows what kind of relationships will be formed. Happy Springtime, everyone!