Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Mother's Prayer Tears

Have you ever checked in on your children while they are in a deep sleep?

I just did. And my eyes are still wet with their outpouring of love that can't be explained in words. It is the middle of the night and I can't sleep. So I go in to check on my children and I am just brought to tears.

Can it be that these precious, beautiful children are begotten of me and Tim? These living, breathing, growing, thinking little human beings started from two tiny cells.

Why even now, there is one so small growing in my womb and yet so full of life that I am overjoyed at the mere thought of what this little one can bring to this earth.

Amazing! So amazing I am speechless, and the only 'thinking' comes from my eyes as they well up with tears only to fall on the bodies of these sleeping babes.

Prayer tears.

They contain my prayers for life and life abundant. Prayers that the Words of Christ would dwell in their hearts. Prayers for health, strength, long life, and that their faith may not fail.

"The prayers of the righteous availeth much" I am not sure where that is in the Bible, but it is there. I don't feel righteous and I certainly can point to some unrighteous behavior in my life, but I pray that my prayer tears for my children will availeth much.

A mother messes up a lot. At least this mother does...O, but to know , to KNOW that my prayer tears have not fallen in vain. My Father, the Creator Almighty in Heaven has heard them and has collected the tears.

After all, He made me to be a mother

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh Tara. You are righteous because you wear the beautiful robes of righteousness paid for by Jesus. To God be all the glory for our precious little ones! He is faithful, He is faithful, He is faithful.