Yes, it is quite late here in Arizona and I am doing my blogging. Tim is working a night shift which means a late night for me, too. Why do I go to bed at a decent hour when he is home, but when he is gone (which is about 6 shifts per month) I stay up and just piddle around like a sleepless field mouse? I would love to receive your comments about this. Anyway, here is a picture of us on Howaleen. That is how Eric calls it. Eric was a clown and Amy was a strawberry. She really liked her collar. She told me later that it didn't taste much like a strawberry though.
1 comment:
How cute do the "clown" & "Strawberry" look! Thanks for sharing, Tara! :) As for the question of why you are up when Tim is gone but sleep when he is home...quite simple my dear, it is b/c when he is home, he can be the watchman over the family while you and the little ones rest peacefully; however, when he is away, you assume that role and/or responsibility to watch over the home & your 2 precious ones while they sleep until the watchman returns home to take post again! :) I say to you, my sister Tara...rest my child & let God be the Shephard over your home both when hubby is there and when he is not! :) Hummmmmmmmm, the peace that surpasses all understanding...oh taste & see that the Lord is GOOD! :) I love you all and keep Blogging my sister! :) Smooches
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