Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The antithesis of Lavendar

Today was one of those days. I just have to laugh because if I don't I will cry. My life isn't very 'lavendary' right now. In fact, it smells like pee, poop and puke. Nice, huh. Eric has been going through this phase where he just will not take a nap. He goes in his room and plays for about an hour and a half. Usually what happens is that he goes in his room, lays down on his bed, and as I rub his back and sing to him he says "bye, Mommy". He wants me to leave the room so that he can get up and play or read. So I leave and when I peek in a few moments to check on him he is playing cars or doing something out of his bed. Oh, I almost forgot. He has pooped in his pants. No, he won't poop in the potty before naptime. He somehow likes to go in his pants after I leave the room. So, today was one of those days where I put him down for a nap and naturally he poops in his pants after I leave. A few moments later when I peek in on him, he says "Mommy, poo poo potty". Great. I then take him to the bathroom and clean him up and as we flush the toilet, I see that it is not working. So of course the toilet overflows and there is a terrible smell coming from the bathroom. Eric is absolutely enthralled with this contraption and the fact that the toilet water is not going down as it usually does, but is coming up and over the brim of the bowl. "Mommy! Water" All the while, my little Amy Charlotte has been fussing because she is hungry and waiting for me to feed her. At this point, she is full on screaming and I am in the middle of poop and a curious little two year old. Tim, who has been trying to nap himself, comes to the rescue and cleans up the bathroom, while I clean Eric. He goes back into his room and I go into feed Amy. (Yes, I did wash my hands). Tim eventually goes back to take a nap and the world was still for a few moments. Amy must have sensed the commotion because after I fed her, she spit up all over me. Ahh the lovely smell of baby puke. So this is one of those Tales where life isn't very lavendary. I write this in hopes of comforting those who are having a not-so-smooth-day. Rest assured that pee, poop and puke happens to us all.


Alishia said...

I just read this after a bad morning. After I talked to you on the phone, Stella pulled the entire container of half and half on to the floor and the baby cried. Since I wasn't going to make it to yoga I did a little exercise in the back yard. This morning made me wish I had a nanny.

Manuela said...

Wow, Tara, this gives me an impression of what life will be like when Lukas gets older. All the things to look forward to. On some days I already feel the way you did and I only have one child to take care of.
I guess Brad and I should wait a little while before having another baby.