Today is Resurrection Sunday. IT is a joyous day indeed and the season leading up to it has been interesting. This whole Lenten season has been a different one for me. I started out thinking that I would fast from a certain type of food and alas, I did not. When I did end up eating what it was I wanted to fast from, I felt like a big loser and definitely not honoring God. The whole reason for lent, in my simple opinion, is to remember Christ in His 40 days through the wilderness. During those 40 days he prayed, fasted and was totally alone. I doubt I will ever spend 40 days by myself fasting and praying so why in the world is it so hard for me to go without a simple 'creature comfort' of this day in age for a few weeks?! It is so very important to set aside time to remember the works of the Lord. He commanded the Jews to celebrate Passover every year to specifically remember and teach the young ones about God delivering His people out of Egyptian slavery. God commands us to remember and teach. So having that in my mind, and having a three year old boy who is beginning to comprehend Biblical stories, I REALLY wanted to make this Easter season more purposeful. So, I tried to be consistent about reading Bible stories each morning as we ate our breakfast and I wanted to be diligent about explaining 'new life' as we see all of the blooms around us. On Friday, showed Eric the pictures of Jesus coming into Jerusalem on a donkey with people waving palms and then being crucified and finally being alive in the presence of his friends the disciples. Honestly, I do not think he got much out of it. However, I got a lot out of it. Maybe that is why God commanded us to remember and teach the younger ones. Not so much for their benefit, but for ours. Friday was a gloomy rainy day and were inside for most of it. I read a few devotionals and reflected on my own sin and the reality that I am trapped inside of it. Then today, Easter Sunday, the sun was shining and the weather clear. The reality that the One who knew NO sin, became sin for me and now I am not trapped. I am free.
So when the tears began to well up in my eyes as we sang out in church this morning, I just let them fall down my cheeks. I rejoiced at the words spoken from the pastor. I am so thankful for this specific time to reflect, remember and teach about this the MOST AWESOME event in all of history. We got home and before everyone stripped off their Easter duds we managed to take a couple of decent pictures.
The LORD is RISEN. The LORD is RISEN indeed!!! Hallelujah!