I love this picture because I think it represents my two children perfectly. Eric doing the non-prompted-by-mommy Vanna White thing because he is just so proud of his masterpiece. He likes to work on all kinds of stuff and be good at whatever he does. Be it kicking a soccer ball, jumping on the trampoline or putting a gingerbread house together. He has to do it well. Like father like son. Amy, on the other hand, wants in on all the action, but may not want to spend the time it takes to get the job done right. Here she is, giving us her quintessential pirate smile as we like to call it, and making her presence known. Nevertheless, she didn't do much but eat the candy when it came to assembling this gingerbread house.
Life here in Knoxville is fun. We are enjoying the Christmas season and all things Christmas here in K-town. The day after Thanksgiving we went downtown to go ice skating at this temporary ice rink in the middle of the square. Eric REALLY wanted to go and since Tim doesn't ice skate

In just a few short weeks, this ice rink will be torn down and remain down unitl next year's holiday season. So we are taking advantage of all there is to do and see around town. Being the new kids in town, we are wide-eyed awed with pretty much everything we experience. Yes, being a 'foreigner' has its perks. Nevertheless, I do miss Christmas time stuff in Phoenix - believe it or not. I miss the lights on the houses. People here just don't do the crazy lights on the houses thing. They may put out a wreath, but that is about it. Simple is good, I remind myself, and just because someone doesn't put up 10,000 strings of tacky lights all over thier house does not mean they have any less Christmas spirit.
Tara, Tara (as I hear Jesus say) it isn't about what my house looks like or what kind of food I prepare, it is about sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to what HE has to say. This time is about preparing for the coming of a KING. Women who are pregnant anticipate the coming of their babies by preparing a nursery, buying or making clothes and blankets, taking care of their bodies, reading books, resting while feeling the baby kick inside of them. How must I prepare for this baby Jesus? What should I do to prepare room for HIM? I must stop and rest and feel His kicking, for He is alive and coming again.
"Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."
I hope this Christmas season is about connecting more with Christ Jesus. I pray that you, too will stop to rest and 'feel His kicking' as you anticipate the arrival of this King of Kings.