running, exploring my little man
"Look Mommy look!"a sailboat comes into view
so many sights all so exciting, all these sights so new
"Come, Mommy come!" let's run into the water
So cold the water is today, but that doesn't seem to matter
"Jump, Mommy jump!" let's jump over each wave
Here comes a big one, hold tight to Mommy's hand as with
the new break we play
Oh how I love to see those sweet blonde curls moving in the wind
I take a deep breath, I take a long look, I want to hold this moment in
The tide is creeping ever closer washing our pink cold toes
Oh how I'm thankful for this day no matter how the north
wind blows
He chases birds, he spins around, he dances wild a free
Oh little man you are a delight for every eye to see
Forever forever this moment shall be etched in my memory
My Eric boy, my little man
leaving little footprints in the sand